Labor Market and Social Policy

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Number of items at this level: 80.


Fink, MarcelORCID: (2020) ESPN Thematic Report on 'Access to essential services for low-income people', Austria 2020. [Research Report] 24 p.

Grübl, Dominik; Lackner, Mario and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (April 2020) Intergenerational Transmission of Unemployment - Causal Evidence from Austria. IHS Working Paper Series 14, 26 p.

Hofer, Helmut; Titelbach, Gerlinde and Fink, MarcelORCID: (May 2020) Die österreichische Arbeitsmarktpolitik vor dem Hintergrund der Covid-19-Krise. [Research Report] 24 p.

Lackner, Mario; Stracke, Rudi; Sunde, Uwe and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (2020) Are competitors forward looking in strategic interactions? Field evidence from multistage tournaments. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 179, pp. 544-565.

Steinmayr, David; Weichselbaumer, Doris and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (2020) Gender Differences in Active Ageing: Findings from a New Individual-Level Index for European Countries. Social Indicators Research, 151, pp. 691-721.

Wolter, Marc Ingo; Großmann, Anett and Titelbach, Gerlinde (August 2020) Strukturwandel von Branchen- und Berufsstrukturen. Datenlage und Implementierung der erweiterten Arbeitsmarktmodellierung in das Modell IHS Working Paper Series 18, 33 p.


Bekhtiar, KarimORCID:; Fessler, Pirmin and Lindner, Peter (2019) Risky assets in Europe and the US: risk vulnerability, risk aversion and economic environment. European Central Bank, ECB Working Paper Series 2270, 36 p.

Fernandez, Rodrigo; Hyee, Raphaela; Immervoll, Herwig and Pacifico, Daniele (2019) Left on your own? Social protection when labour markets are in flux. In: OECD, (ed.) OECD Employment Outlook 2019. OECD Employment Outlook. Paris: OECD Publishing, pp. 297-338.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (May 2019) In-work poverty in Austria: ESPN Thematic Report on In-work poverty. Austria 2019. [Research Report] 28 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: and Leibetseder, Bettina (2019) Die Österreichische Mindestsicherungsreform 2010: Von der Armuts- zur Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (OZP), 48 (1), pp. 19-36.

Halmdienst, Nicole; Radhuber, Michael and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (2019) Attitudes of Elderly Austrians towards New Technologies - Communication and Entertainment versus Health and Support Use. European Journal of Ageing, 16 (4), pp. 513-523.

Hofer, Helmut; Hyee, Raphaela and Titelbach, Gerlinde (April 2019) Der Einfluss der Arbeitsmarktöffnung auf die berufliche Positionierung der zugewanderten Arbeitskräfte. [Research Report] 41 p.

Hyee, Raphaela; Titelbach, Gerlinde and Valkova, Katarina (March 2019) Teilzeitarbeit in Wien. [Research Report] 65 p.

Kittel, Bernhard and Stadlober, Stefanie (7 January 2019) Zwischenstation Mindestsicherung: Geflüchtete Menschen am Weg in den österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt. A&W Blog. Wien: Bundesarbeitskammer

Titelbach, Gerlinde and Bekhtiar, KarimORCID: (March 2019) Mobilität und Persistenz im Niedriglohnsektor. [Research Report] 81 p.


Crespo-Cuaresma, Jesús; Fengler, Wolfgang; Kharas, Homi; Bekhtiar, KarimORCID:; Brottrager, Michael and Hofer, Martin (2018) Will the Sustainable Development Goals be fulfilled? Assessing present and future global poverty. Palgrave Communications, 4.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (July 2018) Austria: Announcement of major modification of the institutional structure of public social insurance providers. ESPN Flash Report (46). Brussels: European Commission, 2 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (July 2018) Austria: Government reform plan for Minimum Income Scheme causes ongoing debates. ESPN Flash Report (47). Brussels: European Commission, 2 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (July 2018) ESPN (European Socíal Policy Network) Country Profile. Austria 2018. [Research Report] 85 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (February 2018) ESPN Thematic Report on Challenges in long-term care. Austria 2018. [Research Report] 20 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (June 2018) ESPN Thematic Report on Inequalities in access to healthcare. Austria 2018. [Research Report] 17 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: and Nagl, Wolfgang (2018) Austria: How social protection rules affect self-employed and independent contractors. In: OECD, (ed.) The Future of Social Protection. What Works for Non-standard Workers? Paris: OECD, pp. 75-97.

Fink, MarcelORCID:; Titelbach, Gerlinde and Mürzl, Elisabeth (February 2018) Arbeitslosigkeit – Die sozialen Folgen für Betroffene und Angehörige. [Research Report] 90 p.

Frimmel, Wolfgang; Horvath, Thomas; Schnalzenberger, Mario and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (2018) Seniority Wages and the Role of Firms in Retirement. Journal of Public Economics, 164, pp. 19-32.

Frühwirth-Schnatter, Sylvia; Pittner, Stefan; Weber, Andrea and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (2018) Analysing Plant Closure Effects Using Time-Varying Mixture-of-Experts Markov Chain Clustering. Annals of Applied Statistics, 12 (3), pp. 1796-1830.

Grand, PeterORCID: and Fink, MarcelORCID: (March 2018) Einstellungen zum Wohlfahrtsstaat in Österreich. Eine empirische Analyse des Europäischen Sozialsurveys (ESS). [Research Report] 58 p.

Grand, PeterORCID: and Fink, MarcelORCID: (September 2018) Einstellungen zum Wohlfahrtsstaat in Österreich im europäischen Vergleich – Bericht Nr. 4. Eine empirische Analyse des Europäischen Sozialsurveys (ESS). [Research Report] 105 p.

Hyee, Raphaela; Titelbach, Gerlinde and Valkova, Katarina (2018) Teilzeitarbeit in Wien. [Research Report] 64 p.

Munir, Farzana and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (2018) Decomposing international gender test score differences. Journal for Labour Market Research, 52 (12).

Queisser, Monika and Hyee, Raphaela (2018) Ensuring social protection for non-standard workers. In: OECD, (ed.) The Future of Social Protection: What Works for Non-standard Workers? OECD Publishing, pp. 17-41.

Queisser, Monika and Hyee, Raphaela (2018) The Future of Social Protection in a New World of Work. In: Byrne, Liam, (ed.) The Future of Work for the People we Serve. The Parliamentary Network on The World Bank & International Monetary Fund, pp. 99-103.

Schmidpeter, Bernhard and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (August 2018) How do Automation and Offshorability Influence Unemployment Duration and Subsequent Job Quality? Former Series > Working Paper Series > IHS Economics Series 343, 36 p.

Stadlober, Stefanie; Vogel, Laura and Kittel, Bernhard (2018) Die subjektive Erfahrung des Bezugs der Bedarfsorientierten Mindestsicherung in Niederösterreich: Eine interviewbasierte Analyse. AK Wien, Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Working Paper-Reihe der AK Wien 185, 53 p.

Titelbach, Gerlinde; Fink, MarcelORCID:; Hyee, Raphaela and Valkova, Katarina (December 2018) Beschäftigungsentwicklung von Inländer/inne/n und Ausländer/inne/n am österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt. [Research Report] 192 p.

Titelbach, Gerlinde; Leitner, Georg and van Linthoudt, Jan-Michael (2018) Verteilungswirkungen potentieller Verkehrsmaßnahmen in Österreich. [Research Report] 51 p.


Ahammer, Alexander; Horvath, G. Thomas and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (2017) The effect of income on mortality—new evidence for the absence of a causal link. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A., 180 (3), pp. 793-816.

Bittschi, BenjaminORCID:; Brandl, Marion-Bianca; Hofer, Helmut; Koch, Sebastian P.ORCID:; Nagl, Wolfgang and Sellner, RichardORCID: (December 2017) Zukunft der Steuern in Österreich. Mittelfristige Projektion der Lohn-, Einkommen-, Körperschaft- und Umsatzsteuer unter Berücksichtigung globaler Trends. [Research Report] 71 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (2017) Arbeit 4.0, Bildung und Qualifikation: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Arbeit 4.0 - Aus- und Weiterbildung im digitalen Wandel, 12 June 2017, St. Pölten, Austria.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (2017) Arm trotz Arbeit – Working Poor in Tirol und Österreich. Arm trotz Arbeit, 11 Oct 2017, Innsbruck.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (July 2017) Austria: Recourse to the assets of people in inpatient long-term care to be abolished as from 1 January 2018. ESPN Flash Report 2017/60 (60). European Social Policy Network, 2 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (November 2017) ESPN (European Social Policy Network) Thematic Report: Contribution to the 2018 Pension Adequacy Report, Austria. [Research Report] 13 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (June 2017) ESPN Country Profile: Austria 2017; Research report for the European Commission via the European Social Policy Network (ESPN). [Research Report] 77 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (November 2017) ESPN European Semester Report, Austria, 2017 - 2018; Report for the European Commission, European Social Policy Network (ESPN). [Research Report] 16 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (January 2017) ESPN Thematic Report on Access to social protection of people working as self-employed or on non-standard contracts: Austria. [Research Report] 21 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (June 2017) ESPN Thematic Report on Progress in the implementation of the 2013 EU Recommendation on “Investing in children: Breaking the cycle of disadvantage”: Austria. [Research Report] 20 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (2017) Making Social Protection more Inclusive: Non-standard Employment and Self-Employment. EU Annual Concention for Inclusive Growth, 24 April 2017, Brussels.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (December 2017) PAWCER WP 3 Context Data. [Research Report]

Fink, MarcelORCID: (2017) „Three (or four?) main components of pension adequacy“. ESPN Workshop Brussels, 28 Sep 2017, Brussels.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (2017) Unemployment benefits in a changing world of work. MISSOC Network Meeting, 11-12 May 2017, Malta.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (8 October 2017) Zu wenig Geld für das Leben. Arm trotz Arbeit: Ein komplexes und politisch vernachlässigtes Phänomen. (Tiroler Tageszeitung 08-10-2017). Tiroler Tageszeitung. Innsbruck: New Media Online GmbH

Fink, MarcelORCID: (2017) The politics of social security for self-employed (SEs) and people working on non-standard employment (NSEs): Austria. European Social Policy Network (ESPN) Workshop, Brussels, 30 March 2017, Brussels.

Fink, MarcelORCID: and Leibetseder, Bettina (2017) Die Vereinbarung zur Bedarfsorientierten Mindestsicherung in Österreich im Jahre 2010: Erklärende Faktoren und Implikationen. ESPAnet Austria; 1. Forschungskonferenz Sozialpolitik, 20 April 2017, WU Vienna.

Fink, MarcelORCID: and Leibetseder, Bettina (2017) The Failed National Reform of the Austrian Minimum Income Scheme: Austerity, Work, Welfare Chauvinism, Interests, Federalism and Elections. Annual ESPANET Conference, 14-16 September 2017, Lisboa.

Fink, MarcelORCID:; Wetzel, Petra and Valkova, Katarina (July 2017) Arbeit 4.0, Bildung und Qualifikation: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. [Research Report] 67 p.

Frimmel, Wolfgang; Halla, Martin; Schmidpeter, Bernhard and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (December 2017) Grandmothers' Labor Supply. Former Series > Working Paper Series > IHS Economics Series 336, 38 p.

Grand, PeterORCID: and Fink, MarcelORCID: (November 2017) Wohlfahrtschauvinismus in Österreich. Eine empirische Analyse des Europäischen Sozialsurveys (ESS). [Research Report] 62 p.

Hofer, Helmut; Titelbach, Gerlinde and Vogtenhuber, StefanORCID: (2017) Polarisierung am österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt? Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 43 (3), pp. 379-404.

Hofer, Helmut; Titelbach, Gerlinde; Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: and Ahammer, Alexander (2017) Wage Discrimination Against Immigrants in Austria? Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 31 (2), pp. 105-222.

Ichino, Andrea; Schwerdt, Guido; Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: and Zweimüller, Josef (2017) Too old to work, too young to retire? The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 9, pp. 14-29.

Lehmann, Robert and Nagl, Wolfgang (2017) Explaining Spatial Patterns of Foreign Employment in Germany. CESifo Group, CESifo Working Paper 6356, 34 p.

Loretz, Simon; Brandl, Marion-Bianca; Koch, Sebastian P.ORCID:; Nagl, Wolfgang and Titelbach, Gerlinde (December 2017) Evaluierung der Mehrwertsteueränderung im Zuge der Steuerreform 2015/2016. [Research Report] 46 p.

Müllbacher, Sandra and Nagl, Wolfgang (2017) Labour supply in Austria: an assessment of recent developments and the effects of a tax reform. Empirica, 44 (3), pp. 465-486.

Nagl, Wolfgang; Titelbach, Gerlinde and Valkova, Katarina (January 2017) Digitalisierung der Arbeit: Substituierbarkeit von Berufen im Zuge der Automatisierung durch Industrie 4.0. [Research Report] 34 p.

Titelbach, Gerlinde; Fink, MarcelORCID:; Leitner, AndreaORCID: and Pessl, GabrieleORCID: (June 2017) Working Poor in Tirol. [Research Report] 84 p.

Unger, Maximilian; Zilian, Stella; Polt, Wolfgang; Altzinger, Wilfried; Scheuer, Timon and Bekhtiar, KarimORCID: (2017) Technologischer Fortschritt und Ungleichheit: eine empirische Analyse der Entwicklung in Österreich 2008-2014. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 43 (3), pp. 405-437.


Fink, MarcelORCID: (July 2016) ESPN Country Profile 2016: Austria; report on behalf of the European Commission, European Social Policy Network (ESPN), July 2016,. [Research Report] 75 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (October 2016) ESPN European Semester Report 2016-2017: Austria, report on behalf of the European Commission, European Social Policy Network (ESPN). [Research Report] 20 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (May 2016) ESPN Thematic Report on Retirement regimes for workers in arduous or hazardous jobs: Austria, report on behalf of the European Commission, European Social Policy Network (ESPN). [Research Report] 14 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (February 2016) ESPN Thematic Report on work-life balance measures for persons of working age with dependent relatives: Austria, report on behalf of the European Commission, European Social Policy Network (ESPN). [Research Report] 17 p.

Fink, MarcelORCID: (2016) Soziale Innovation und EUropäische Sozialpolitik. In: Meichenitsch, Katharina; Neumayr, Michaela and Schenk, Martin, (eds.) Neu! Besser! Billiger! Soziale Innovation als leeres Versprechen. Wien: Mandelbaum, pp. 57-67.

Fort, Margherita; Schneeweis, Nicole and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (2016) Is Education Always Reducing Fertility? Evidence from Compulsory Schooling Reforms. Economic Journal, 126 (595), pp. 1823-1855.

Frühwirth-Schnatter, Sylvia; Pittner, Stefan; Weber, Andrea and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (October 2016) Analysing Plant Closure Effects Using Time-Varying Mixture-of-Experts Markov Chain Clustering. Former Series > Working Paper Series > IHS Economics Series 324, 28 p.

Frühwirth-Schnatter, Sylvia; Pamminger, Christoph; Weber, Andrea and Winter-Ebmer, RudolfORCID: (2016) Mothers' long-run career patterns after first birth. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 179 (3), pp. 707-725.

Lehmann, Robert and Nagl, Wolfgang (2016) Zuwanderung von Schweizerinnen und Schweizern: eine deutsche Perspektive. Politorbis, 63 (3), pp. 25-27.

Müllbacher, Sandra and Nagl, Wolfgang (2016) Umverteilung in verschiedenen Pensionssystemen für Österreich. Wirtschaftsdienst, 96 (2), pp. 140-147.

Nagl, Wolfgang and Weber, Michael (2016) Stuck in a trap? Long-term unemployment under two-tier unemployment compensation schemes. Ifo Working Paper 231, 42 p.

Titelbach, Gerlinde and Nagl, Wolfgang (October 2016) Anreizstruktur des österreichischen Steuer-Transfer-Systems. [Research Report] 44 p.


Titelbach, Gerlinde; Davoine, ThomasORCID:; Hofer, Helmut; Schuster, Philip and Steiner, MarioORCID: (August 2013) Potenziale durch die Integration von Migrant/innen in Arbeitsmarkt und Bildung. Eine wirtschaftssoziologische Analyse struktureller Integration. [Research Report] 66 p.


Fink, MarcelORCID: (2011) Ideas, institutions and interest in European and national reforms of employment and social policy: The case of flexicurity. In: Vural, Ipek Eren, (ed.) Converging Europe: Transformation of Social Policy in the Enlarged European Union and in Turkey. Ashgate, pp. 117-145.


Talos, Emmerich and Fink, MarcelORCID: (2005) The Welfare State in Austria. In: Vivekanandan, B. and Kurian, N., (eds.) Welfare States and the Future. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 131-150.

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