Caiani, Manuela

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Number of items: 29.

Caiani, Manuela and Kröll, Patricia (2014) The transnationalization of the extreme right and the use of the Internet. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, pp. 1-21.

Caiani, Manuela (2014) Social Network Analysis (chapter 15). In: della Porta, Donatella, (ed.) Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research. Oxford University Press.

Caiani, Manuela (May 2014) Anti-Europe Political Parties: Will they Conquer the EU? Former Series > IHS Standpunkt – Position 22, 5 p.

Caiani, Manuela (2014) Le grandi contraddizioni della destra populista. Il Mulino, 3 (2014), pp. 450-458.

Caiani, Manuela and Borri, Rossella (2014) Cyberactivism of the Radical Right in Europe and the USA: What, Who, and Why? In: McCaughey, Martha, (ed.) Cyberactivism on the Participatory Web. Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture Series. Taylor & Francis.

Caiani, Manuela and Conti, Nicolò (2014) In the Name of the People: The Euroscepticism of the Italian Radical Right. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 15 (2), pp. 183-197.

Caiani, Manuela and Parenti, Linda (2013) European and American Extreme Right Groups and the Internet. Farnham, Burlington: Ashgate. 250 p.

Caiani, Manuela (2013) Extremism. In: Snow, David; Della Porta, Donatella; Klandermans, Bert and McAdam, Doug, (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 440-442.

Caiani, Manuela and Borri, Rossella (2013) The Extreme Right, Violence and Other Action Repertoires: An Empirical Study on Two European Countries. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 14 (4), pp. 562-581.

Caiani, Manuela and Parenti, Linda (2013) Extreme right organizations and online politics: a comparative analysis of five Western democracies. In: Nixon, Paul; Rawal, Rajash and Mercea, Dan, (eds.) Politics and the Internet in Comparative Context: Views from the cloud. London: Routledge, pp. 135-153.

Caiani, Manuela and Parenti, Linda (2013) Web nero: Organizzazioni di estrema destra e Internet. Studi e Ricerche. Bologna: Il Mulino. 256 p.

Caiani, Manuela and Parenti, Linda (2012) The Italian Extreme Right and its Use of the Internet: A ‘Bi-front’ Actor? In: Mammone, Andrea; Godin, Emmanuel and Jenkins, Brian, (eds.) Varieties of Right-Wing Extremism in Europe. Routledge, pp. 217-232.

Caiani, Manuela and Borri, Rossella (July 2012) Between violent and non-violent action strategies: A study on extreme-right organizations in Italy and Spain. Former Series > Working Paper Series > IHS Political Science Series 130

Caiani, Manuela; della Porta, Donatella and Wagemann, Claudius (2012) Mobilizing on the Extreme Right: Germany, Italy, and the United States. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 272 p.

Borri, Rossella and Caiani, Manuela (2012) Political Violence and Action Strategies: An Emperical Study on the Extreme Right Organizations in Italy and Spain (Violenza politica e strategie di azione: uno studio empirico sulle organizzazioni di estrema destra in Italia e Spagna). Partecipazione e Conflitto, 5 (2), pp. 5-30.

Caiani, Manuela (2012) Populism/Populist Movements. In: Snow, David; Della Porta, Donatella; Klandermans, Bert and McAdam, Doug, (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 990-994.

della Porta, Donatella and Caiani, Manuela (2011) Social Movements and Europeanization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 240 p.

Marchi, Riccardo; Caiani, Manuela and Bulli, Giorgia (2011) Introduction: The extreme right in southern Europe. Análise Social, XLVI 4 (201), pp. 625-632.

Caiani, Manuela (2011) L'europeizzazione degli attori domestici. Policy networks, mobilitazione e frames. Forme della politica (7). Acireale: Bonanno. 272 p.

Caiani, Manuela (2011) L’estrema destra in Italia fra passato e presente: il discorso sulla globalizzazione. SocietàMutamentoPolitica, 2 (3), pp. 133-151.

Caiani, Manuela and Parenti, Linda (2011) The Spanish extreme right and the Internet. Análise Social, XLVI 4 (201), pp. 719-740.

Caiani, Manuela and della Porta, Donatella (2011) The elitist populism of the extreme right: A frame analysis of extreme right-wing discourses in Italy and Germany. Acta Politica, 46 (2), pp. 180-202.

Caiani, Manuela and della Porta, Donatella (July 2010) Extreme Right and Populism: A Frame Analysis of Extreme Right Wing Discourses in Italy and Germany. Former Series > Working Paper Series > IHS Political Science Series 121

Caiani, Manuela (2010) Book Review: Italy Today - The sick Man of Europe. Bulletin of Italian Politics, 2 (1), pp. 188-190.

Caiani, Manuela and Ferrer-Fons, Mariona (2010) Voluntary Associations and Support for Europe: Is there a ‘Europeanised’ Civil Society? In: Maloney, William and Van Deth, Jan, (eds.) Civil Society and Activism in Europe: Contextualizing engagement and political orientations. London: Routledge, pp. 129-155.

Caiani, Manuela and Parenti, Linda (2009) The Dark Side of the Web: Italian Right-Wing Extremist Groups and the Internet. South European Society and Politics, 14 (3), pp. 273-294.

Caiani, Manuela and Wagemann, Claudius (2009) Online Networks of the Italian and German Extreme Right. Information, Communication & Society, 12 (1), pp. 66-109.

Caiani, Manuela (2009) Policy networks su issues europee: quale è il posto dei gruppi d’interesse pubblico? Un’analisi comparata su tre politiche europee a livello nazionale. Partecipazione e Conflitto, 2 (2), pp. 75-110.

della Porta, Donatella and Caiani, Manuela (2006) Quale Europa? Europeizzazione, identità e conflitti. Studi e Ricerche. Bologna: il Mulino. 264 p.

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