Deistler, Manfred

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Number of items: 28.

Article in Academic Journal

Anderson, Brian D.O.; Deistler, Manfred and Dufour, Jean-Marie (2019) On the Sensitivity of Granger Causality to Errors‐In‐Variables, Linear Transformations and Subsampling. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 40 (1), pp. 102-123.

Deistler, Manfred; Koelbl, Lukas and Anderson, Brian D.O. (2017) Non-identifiability of VMA and VARMA systems in the mixed frequency case. Econometrics and Statistics, 4, pp. 31-38.

Anderson, Brian D.O.; Deistler, Manfred; Felsenstein, Elisabeth; Funovits, Bernd; Koelbl, Lukas and Zamani, Mohsen (2016) Multivariate AR Systems and mixed Frequency Data: G-Identifiability and Estimation. Econometric Theory, 32 (4), pp. 793-826.

Anderson, Brian D.O.; Deistler, Manfred; Felsenstein, Elisabeth and Koelbl, Lukas (2016) The structure of multivariate AR and ARMA systems: Regular and singular systems; the single and the mixed frequency case. Journal of Econometrics, 192 (2), pp. 366-373.

Koelbl, Lukas; Braumann, Alexander; Felsenstein, Elisabeth and Deistler, Manfred (2016) Estimation of VAR Systems from Mixed-Frequency Data: The Stock and the Flow Case. Advances in Econometrics, 35, pp. 43-73.

Anderson, Brian D.O.; Deistler, Manfred; Chen, Weitian and Filler, Alexander (2012) Autoregressive models of singular spectral matrices. Automatica, 48 (11), pp. 2843-2849.

Chen, Weitian; Anderson, Brian D.O.; Deistler, Manfred and Filler, Alexander (2011) Solutions of Yule‐Walker equations for singular AR processes. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 32 (5), pp. 531-538.

Deistler, Manfred; Anderson, Brian D.O.; Filler, Alexander; Zinner, Ch. and Chen, Weitan (2010) Generalized Linear Dynamic Factor Models: An Approach via Singular Autoregressions. European Journal of Control, 16 (3), pp. 211-224.

Scherrer, Wolfgang and Deistler, Manfred (1998) A Structure Theory for Linear Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Models. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 36 (6), pp. 2148-2175.

Anderson, Brian D.O.; Deistler, Manfred; Farina, L. and Benvenuti, L. (1996) Nonnegative realization of a linear system with nonnegative impulse response. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 43 (2), pp. 134-142.

Deistler, Manfred; Peternell, K. and Scherrer, Wolfgang (1995) Consistency and relative efficiency of subspace methods. Automatica, 31 (12), pp. 1865-1875.

Deistler, Manfred and Pötscher, B. M. (1984) The behaviour of the likelihood function for ARMA models. Advances in Applied Probability, 16 (4), pp. 843-866.

Anderson, Brian D.O. and Deistler, Manfred (1984) Identifiability in Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Models. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 5 (1), pp. 1-13.

Deistler, Manfred (1983) The Properties of the Parameterization of Armax Systems and Their Relevance for Structural Estimation and Dynamic Specification. Econometrica, 51 (4), pp. 1187-1207.

Hannan, E.J.; Dunsmuir, W.T.M. and Deistler, Manfred (1980) Estimation of vector ARMAX models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 10 (3), pp. 275-295.

Deistler, Manfred and Schrader, Jürgen (1979) Linear Models with Autocorrelated Errors: Structural Identifiability in the Absence of Minimality Assumptions. Econometrica, 47 (2), pp. 495-504.

Deistler, Manfred (1978) The structural identifiability of linear models with autocorrelated errors in the case of cross-equation restrictions. Journal of Econometrics, 8 (1), pp. 23-31.

Deistler, Manfred and Seifert, Hans-Günther (1978) Identifiability and Consistent Estimability in Econometric Models. Econometrica, 46 (4), pp. 969-980.

Deistler, Manfred; Dunsmuir, W. and Hannan, E.J. (1978) Vector linear time series models: corrections and extensions. Advances in Applied Probability, 10 (2), pp. 360-372.


Deistler, Manfred and Scherrer, Wolfgang (2018) Modelle der Zeitreihenanalyse. Mathematik Kompakt. Basel: Birkhäuser (Springer). 159 p.

Hannan, E.J. and Deistler, Manfred (2012) The Statistical Theory of Linear Systems. Classics in Applied Mathematics 70. Philadelphia: siam, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 380 p.

Book Contribution

Scherrer, Wolfgang and Deistler, Manfred (2019) Vector autoregressive moving average models. In: Rao, C.R., (ed.) Handbook of Statistics: Conceptual Econometrics Using R. Handbook of Statistics, 41. Oxford: North Holland/Elsevier, pp. 145-191.

Deistler, Manfred (1985) General Structure and Parametrization of ARMA and State Space Systems and its Relation to Statistical Problems. In: Hannan, E.J.; Krishnaiah, P.R. and Rao, M.M., (eds.) Handbook of Statistics. 5. Amsterdam: North Holland, pp. 257-277.

IHS Series

Schleicher, Stefan and Deistler, Manfred (June 1979) Dynamische Eigenschaften von ökonometrischen Systemen. Former Series > Forschungsberichte / Research Memoranda 139

Deistler, Manfred and Schleicher, Stefan (September 1972) Origin of cyclical fluctuations in econometric models. Former Series > Forschungsberichte / Research Memoranda 71

Deistler, Manfred and Schleicher, Stefan (January 1972) Effects of the disturbance process of the econometric model austria 1. Former Series > Forschungsberichte / Research Memoranda 63

Deistler, Manfred and Schleicher, Stefan (June 1971) Struktur der österreichischen Industrieproduktion. Former Series > Forschungsberichte / Research Memoranda 56

Deistler, Manfred and Wegscheider, Horst (November 1968) Stationäre Zufallsfolgen. Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Sätze und Betrachtung eines Schätzverfahrens für Spektraldichten. Former Series > Forschungsberichte / Research Memoranda 30

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