Schmelzer, Stefan
Miess, MichaelORCID:; Schmelzer, Stefan; Šcasný, Milan and Kopečná, Vědunka
Abatement Technologies and their Social Costs in a Hybrid General Equilibrium Framework.
The Energy Journal, 43 (2).
Schmelzer, Stefan; Koch, Sebastian P.ORCID: and Zenz, Hannes
(October 2018)
Ökonomische Effekte von Maßnahmen zur Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrssektors.
[Research Report]
48 p.
Schmelzer, Stefan and Miess, MichaelORCID:
(April 2018)
Update: Extension of the Empirical Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) Model for Austria: Implementation of Endogenous Portfolio
Choice and Simple Markup Pricing.
[Research Report]
122 p.
Poledna, Sebastian; Hochrainer-Stigler, Stefan; Miess, MichaelORCID:; Klimek, Peter; Schmelzer, Stefan; Sorger, Johannes; Shchekinova, Elena; Rovenskaya, Elena; Linnerooth-Bayer, JoAnne; Dieckmann, Ulf, et al.
(January 2018)
When does a disaster become a systemic event? Estimating indirect economic losses from natural disasters.
arXiv preprint
Schmelzer, Stefan; Miess, MichaelORCID:; Kopečná, Vědunka and Ščasný, Milan
Modelling Electric Vehicles as an Abatement Technology in a Hybrid CGE Model.
Charles University Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies, Working Paper IES 16
Miess, MichaelORCID: and Schmelzer, Stefan
Extension of the Empirical Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) Model for Austria: Implementation of Several Asset Classes, a Detailed Tax System and Exploratory Scenarios.
Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte Wien, Abteilung Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Statistik, Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 63,
58 p.
Miess, MichaelORCID:; Raza, Werner; Reiner, Christian; Schmelzer, Stefan and Tröster, Bernhard
(April 2016)
Auswirkungen von TTIP auf die österreichische Landwirtschaft und Nahrungsmittelproduktion: Beschäftigungs- und Struktureffekte.
[Research Report]
65 p.
Lichtblau, Günther; Stix, Sigrid; Gerbaulet, Clemens; Schill, Wolf-Peter; Totschnig, Gerhard; Litzlbauer, Markus; Miess, MichaelORCID:; Schmelzer, Stefan; Ščasný, Milan; Weinzettell, Jan, et al.
(March 2015)
DEFINE Synthesis Report: DEFINE - Development of an Evaluation Framework for the Introduction of Electromobility.
[Research Report]
45 p.
Schmelzer, Stefan and Miess, MichaelORCID:
(February 2015)
Combined Report on Work Package 6. Deliverable 6.1:
Report on the Calibrated and Validated CGE Model with Implemented Scenarios Ready for Use. Deliverable 6.2:
A Set of Simulation Results and Case StudiesDevelopment of an Evaluation Framework for the Introduction of Electromobility. Project:
DEFINE - Development of an Evaluation Framework
for the INtroduction of Electromobility.
[Research Report]
43 p.
Ščasný, Milan; Máca, Vojtěch; Weinzettel, Jan; Miess, MichaelORCID: and Schmelzer, Stefan
(February 2015)
WP9 Quantification of Environmental Benefits. Deliverable 9.1: Report on External Costs of electricity generation and vehicle use. Deliverable 9.2: Soft link between environmental
assessment and the hybrid general equilibrium model. Project: Development of an Evaluation Framework for
the Introduction of Electromobility.
[Research Report]
41 p.
Janke, Julia; Grussmann, Severin; Miess, MichaelORCID: and Schmelzer, Stefan
(February 2015)
Volkswirtschaftliche Kosten des Klimawandels in Österreich durch Klimawandeleffekte in der Landwirtschaft, dem Wintertourismus und der Energiewirtschaft.
[Research Report]
39 p.
Schmelzer, Stefan and Miess, MichaelORCID:
The Economic Costs of Electric Vehicles.
DEFINE Working Paper,
23 p.
Miess, MichaelORCID:; Schmelzer, Stefan and Janke, Julia
(January 2014)
Deliverable 1.1: Report on Improvements in the Hybrid General Equilibrium Core Model. Project: Development of an Evaluation Framework for the Introduction of Electromobility.
[Research Report]
60 p.
Bliem, Markus; Aigner-Walder, Birgit; Brandl, Marion-Bianca; Gassler, Helmut; Grussmann, Severin; Klinglmair, Andrea; Miess, MichaelORCID:; Paterson, Iain; Rodiga-Laßnig, Petra and Schmelzer, Stefan
(January 2014)
Das Potenzial von Öko-Innovationen für den Standort Österreich.
[Research Report]
189 p.
Friedl, Beate; Bliem, Markus; Miess, MichaelORCID:; Schmelzer, Stefan; Aigner, Maria; Haber, Alfons and Schmautzer, Ernst
Wertschöpfungs- und Beschäftigungseffekte von Smart-Grids-Lösungen (Value added and employment effects of smart grid solutions).
IEWT 2013. 8. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, 13.–15. Februar 2013, Technische Universität Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien.
15 p.
Miess, MichaelORCID: and Schmelzer, Stefan
(July 2012)
Electromobility for a Sustainable Transport System.
Former Series > IHS Standpunkt – Position 2,
3 p.
Balabanov, Todor; Friedl, Beate; Miess, MichaelORCID: and Schmelzer, Stefan
(October 2010)
Mehr und qualitätsvollere Green Jobs: Green Jobs for a sustainable, low-carbon Austrian economy.
[Research Report]
171 p.