Mayer, Stefanie
Article in Academic Journal
Mayer, Stefanie; Biegelbauer, Peter; Griessler, ErichORCID: and Iwae, Sosuke
Dealing with complex matters: the political regulation of genetic testing and genetic counseling in Austria, Germany and Japan.
New Genetics and Society, 28 (4), pp. 363-379.
Biegelbauer, Peter and Mayer, Stefanie (2008) Regulatory Impact Assessment in Austria: Promising Regulations, Disappointing Practices. Critical Policy Analysis, 2 (2), pp. 118-142.
Book Contribution
Mayer, Stefanie; Biegelbauer, Peter; Griessler, ErichORCID: and Iwae, Sosuke
The Regulation of Genetic Testing: A Three Country Comparison.
In: Wieser, Bernhard and Berger, Wilhelm, (eds.)
Assessing Life: On the organisation of genetic testing.
Technik- und Wissenschaftsforschung (59).
München, Wien: Profil Verlag, pp. 67-100.
Discussion/ Working Paper
Biegelbauer, Peter and Mayer, Stefanie (2007) RIA or no RIA: the Dialogue Between Policymakers and Stakeholders in the Regulatory Process in Austria. ENBR Working Paper 10, 17 p.
IHS Series
Littig, Beate; Biegelbauer, Peter; Griessler, ErichORCID:; Hadolt, Bernhard; Kovács, László; Lengauer, Monika and Mayer, Stefanie
(November 2008)
Prädiktive genetische Beratung in Österreich, Deutschland und Japan: Ergebnisse, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines multi-methodischen Vergleichs.
Former Series > Working Paper Series > IHS Sociological Series 89