Grundrechte in der Europäischen Union: Ein Konferenzbericht

(June 1997) Grundrechte in der Europäischen Union: Ein Konferenzbericht. Former Series > Working Paper Series > IHS Political Science Series 44


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Abstract: The European Commission has initiated a series of conferences in all member states of the European Union on fundamental political and social rights. The basic idea is to start a European-wide civil dialogue which should eventually lead to a revision of the Treaty on the European Union at a next Intergovernmental Conference. This volume documents the Austrian conference which was hosted by the Institute for Advanced Studies and held on 23 and 24 May 1997. In addition to the full text of some core statements at the meeting we report about the discussions in five parallel workshops and reprint the theses of keynote speakers. Before the conference a questionnaire had been sent out to government agencies, NGOs and independent experts.We document the main findings of this survey and the proceedings of two discussion fora which focused on how to promote and implement political and social rights in the Union. The programme of the conference and the list of participants is documented in the Annex.;

Item Type: IHS Series
Date Deposited: 26 Sep 2014 10:36
Last Modified: 26 Sep 2019 16:16

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