Can people afford to pay for health care? New evidence on financial protection in Austria

Czypionka, ThomasORCID:; Röhrling, Gerald and Six, Eva (2018) Can people afford to pay for health care? New evidence on financial protection in Austria. Universal health coverage: financial protection country reviews. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. 79 p.

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This is the country report for Austria in a series of country-based reviews by WHO to monitor financial protection in European health systems by assessing the impact of out-of-pocket payments on household living standards. Using the household budget surveys available for Austria (2004/2005, 2009/2010 and 2014/2015), we calculate internationally comparable measures to assess financial protection in Austria. While by comparison with other European countries, Austria fares well in this crucial aspect for universal coverage, we find that individuals can still be exposed to a heavy financial burden due to certain financing rules SHI. Changes are proposed in the study to close this gap.

Diese Studie ist Teil einer Reihe von Berichten im Rahmen der Arbeit der WHO zum Thema finanzieller Absicherung bei Krankheit. Wir nutzen die Konsumerhebungen der Jahre 2004/2005, 2009/2010 und 2014/2015, um international vergleichbare Kennzahlen zu bilden. Es zeigt sich, dass Österreich in diesem Vergleich mit anderen europäischen Staaten gut abschneidet. Einzelne Gruppen können jedoch immer noch im Krankheitsfall vor beträchtlichen finanziellen Belastungen stehen. Solche Lücken in der finanziellen Absicherung lassen sich durch im Bericht vorgeschlagene Maßnahmen schließen.

Item Type: Monograph
Keywords: Austria, Healthcare Financing, Health Expenditures, Health Services Accessibility, Poverty, Universal Coverage
Research Units: Health Economics and Health Policy
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Date Deposited: 14 Jan 2019 10:02
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2024 08:52
ISBN: 9789289053396

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