Haas, Barbara (December 2003) Work-home balance in Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden: Is it possible to identify models? Former Series > Working Paper Series > IHS Sociological Series 59
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Abstract: Balancing home and work has become an increasingly important theme in western European countries as more women have entered the labour market. The main focus here is on the differences between Austria, the Netherlands, and Sweden. A critical comparison of welfare states shows that the different approaches in these countries can essentially be narrowed down to five models: the traditional or modified carer model, the egalitarian employment model, the universal carer model, as well as one with reversed roles. As opposed to previous comparisons, it is argued here that no one country can clearly be classified as one of these five types. On the contrary, depending on the research perspective, one will see an extremely complex pattern emerge of how job and family are combined, what kind of political regulations exist, and whether these are in agreement with social values and norms. That is why we need to analyse three different dimensions: firstly, employment participation and employment patterns of parents give insight into the practical compatibility. Secondly, maternity/paternity leave and childcare facilities are examined as an important factor of political compatibility. And finally, it will be shown how and to what extent these facts conform to social values and norms (cultural compatibility).;
Item Type: | IHS Series |
Keywords: | 'Vereinbarkeit Beruf und Familie' 'Frauenerwerbstätigkeit' 'Familiensoziologie' 'Wohlfahrtsstaatsvergleich' 'Home-work balance' 'Employment of women' 'Sociology of family' 'Welfare state comparison' |
Date Deposited: | 26 Sep 2014 10:37 |
Last Modified: | 27 Sep 2019 06:47 |
ISBN: | 1605-8011 |
URI: | https://irihs.ihs.ac.at/id/eprint/1534 |