Valderrama, Maria Teresa
Boss, Michael; Felderer, Bernhard; Helmenstein, Christian; Pointner, Wolfgang and Valderrama, Maria Teresa (July 1998) Estimating and Forecasting the Austrian and German Term Structure of Interest Rates: Final Report ; Study for the RZB. [Research Report] 17 p.
Felderer, Bernhard; Fidrmuc, Jarko; Helmenstein, Christian; Hofer, Helmut; Kunst, Robert M.ORCID:; Pichelmann, Karl; Valderrama, Maria Teresa and Wörgötter, Andreas
(July 1998)
Prognose der österreichischen Wirtschaft 1998/99: Jahresmodell LIMA/97 ; Ökonometrisches Forschungsprogramm des Instituts für Höhere Studien.
Wirtschaftsprognose / Economic Forecast 4
Felderer, Bernhard; Fidrmuc, Jarko; Helmenstein, Christian; Hofer, Helmut; Kunst, Robert M.ORCID:; Pichelmann, Karl; Rünstler, Gerhard; Valderrama, Maria Teresa and Wörgötter, Andreas
(April 1998)
Prognose der österreichischen Wirtschaft 1998/99: Jahresmodell LIMA/97 ; Ökonometrisches Forschungsprogramm des Instituts für Höhere Studien.
Wirtschaftsprognose / Economic Forecast 3
Helmenstein, Christian; Kronberger, Ralf; Valderrama, Maria Teresa; Wörgötter, Andreas and Zinöcker, Klaus (March 1998) Banknote Migration in Stufe 3B und 3C der EWU. [Research Report] 110 p.
Fidrmuc, Jarko; Valderrama, Maria Teresa and Wörgötter, Andreas (October 1996) Thailand's Economic Strategies Towards the EU: Austria - Final Report ; Commissioned by J.M. Didier Asia s.c., Brussels, Belgium. [Research Report] 28 p.
Felderer, Bernhard; Fidrmuc, Jarko; Valderrama, Maria Teresa and Wörgötter, Andreas (January 1996) The European Union, Eastern Europe and Latin America; Chapter 1: Implications of the Europe Agreements for Latin America: Effects on Flows of Trade, Public Aid and Private Investment - Final Report ; Study commissioned by Institute for Europe-Latin American Relations (IRELA), Madrid, Spain. [Research Report] 35 p.