Filler, Alexander
Anderson, Brian D.O.; Deistler, Manfred; Chen, Weitian and Filler, Alexander (2012) Autoregressive models of singular spectral matrices. Automatica, 48 (11), pp. 2843-2849.
Chen, Weitian; Anderson, Brian D.O.; Deistler, Manfred and Filler, Alexander (2011) Solutions of Yule‐Walker equations for singular AR processes. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 32 (5), pp. 531-538.
Deistler, Manfred; Anderson, Brian D.O.; Filler, Alexander; Zinner, Ch. and Chen, Weitan (2010) Generalized Linear Dynamic Factor Models: An Approach via Singular Autoregressions. European Journal of Control, 16 (3), pp. 211-224.