Cohesion in the EU and Accession of Slovenia: Comparisons with Selected Smaller EU Countries

Sicherl, Pavle (December 1997) Cohesion in the EU and Accession of Slovenia: Comparisons with Selected Smaller EU Countries. Former Series > Reihe Osteuropa / East European Series 50


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Abstract: Comparing Slovenia with selected smaller EU countries (Austria Ireland, Portugal and Greece) in two dimensions (in percentage difference around 1995, and in time distance) showed that for this selection of indicators Slovenia could be considered to belong broadly to the group of the less developed EU countries. Slovenia was in 1995 in 13 cases behind and in 13 cases ahead of Ireland, Portugal and Greece. When behind, time lag of Slovenia never exceeded 10 years. For GDP per capita theeffect of accession of Slovenia on cohesion would be insignificant, for other indicators the relative position is even more favourable.;

Item Type: IHS Series
Keywords: 'Time Distance' 'S-Distance' 'Cohesion' 'Slovenia' 'Austria' 'Portugal' 'Greece'
Classification Codes (e.g. JEL): O10, O52
Date Deposited: 26 Sep 2014 10:36
Last Modified: 01 Apr 2016 14:10

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